Miscellaneous Index
Blade Blasters:Each of the five main Power Rangers was equipped with a Blade Blaster. The weapon could change from a blaster into a short-sword.
Dino Buckler:A device used to harness the energy of a Power Coin. When opened, a Dino Buckler activates a Power Coin, which allows the Ranger to morph. A Ranger’s armor and weapons are stored as spells within a Dino Buckler.
Dragon Dagger:The Green Dragon Ranger used the dagger for his “Dragon’s Claw” attack, which fired a wave of jade-tinted energy from the blade. The Dragon Dagger acted as a flute that could summon and control the Dragonzord, the Green Ranger’s zord.
Mammoth Breaker:The Black Mammoth Ranger’s axe. He used the axe for his “Power Crusher” attack, which caused a wave of seismic energy.
Power Coins:A Dino Power Coin infuses the Body with the Life Energy of a Dinozord. The Dinozord’s Life Energy is mixed with the person’s own Chi. The Body, infused with the Dinozord’s Life Energy, uses the Power Coin as a conduit to channel energy from the One Power, the source of all magick. Each coin channels a different type of energy from The Power. The Tyrannosaurus coin channels fire energy, the Triceratops coin channels water energy, the Mammoth coin channels earth energy, the Ptera coin channels wind energy, the Sabertooth Tiger coin channels lightning energy, and the Dragon coin channels arcane energy.
Power Weapons:Forged from The Power for melee combat, as well as channeling energy-based attacks. The Dino Power Coins allowed the Body to draw energy from the One Power, but the Body’s capacity for energy-based attacks was limited. So Rangers using the Dino Power Coins could only use energy-based attacks through the assistance of Power Weapons (The Green Dragon Ranger was an exception to this rule). A Power Weapon draws energy from a Ranger and uses that power for an energy-projection attack.
Ptera Bow:The Pink Ptera Ranger’s bow-and-arrow. She used the weapon for her “Arrow Shockwave” attack, which fired an arrow energized with explosive power.
Sword of Darkness:Bandora forged the Sword of Darkness to warp Tommy Oliver’s mind so he would become her evil Green Dragon Ranger. She placed a spell on the sword by etching demonic runes along its blade.
Tiger Daggers:The Yellow Tiger Ranger’s twin daggers. She used the daggers for her “Power Flares” attack, which fired bolts of yellow electric energy from the blades.
Tricera Lance:The Blue Tricera Ranger’s lance. He used the lance for his “Power Torrent” attack, which fired a spinning torrent of energy.
Tyranno Sword:The Red Tyranno Ranger’s weapon. He used the sword for his “Power Blade” attack, which fired a fiery wave of energy from the blade.
Dinozords:Giant mythological beasts born from the One Power.Dinozords were sentient beings covered with magical armor crafted from The Power. Each zord had a cockpit embedded within its armor. The beasts were named zords by the ancient people of Earth, the Ryujinn, in honor of Zordon. Zordon used The Power to bring the Dinozords to life about 1.7-million years ago. He modeled the zords after dinosaur gods the Ryujinn worshiped. These gods were called Shogozyu. The Dinozords could merge into a single armored warrior called the Megadinozord. A Dinozord’s energy was channeled to a Ranger through a Power Coin, and vice versa. Dinozords were summoned with the command “Dinozords arise!”
Dragonzord:Also called Dragon Caesar. The zord of the Green Dragon Ranger. Zordon used the One Power to birth the Dragonzord to compliment the original five Dinozords. The Dragonzord was sentient and covered in mystical green armor highlighted with gold. Dragonzord could combine with the Mammoth, Triceratops, and Sabertooth Tiger Dinozords to form the MegaDragonzord.
Megadinozord:The five Dinozords combined to form the Megadinozord, an armored warrior with a cockpit embedded in its chest armor. The Megazord formed with the command “Dinozord fusion!” Megadinozord’s main attack was the “Megadinozord Saber! Battle Crash!” which powered up the sword with crackling crimson-tinted energy so the blade could cut through and destroy its opponent.
MegaDragonzord:The Dragonzord combined with the Mammoth, Triceratops, and Sabertooth Tiger Dinozords to form the MegaDragonzord. The zords combined with the command “Dragonzord fusion!” The MegaDragonzord was armed with a spear made from the Dragonzord’s drill-tipped tail. Its main attack was the “Mega Spear Crash!” which powered up the drill with crackling energy so the weapon could puncture and destroy its opponent.
Titanus:Also called the Gingabrachion. Zordon used the One Power to give birth to Titanus. The carrier zord served as the final compliment to the Dinozords. Titanus could unite with the Megadinozord and Dragonzord to form the Ultradinozord.
Ultradinozord: The combined form of Titanus, the Megadinozord, and Dragonzord. Was formed with the command “Ultrazord fusion!” The Ultrazord’s main attack was the “Grand Fire!” which launched a massive wave of energy lances and power blasts.
Angel Grove City: Sat on a nexus of magical energy that ran through the Earth. The California city was five-times larger than Los Angeles and divided into five main districts: Angel Grove North, Angel Grove South, Angel Grove Central, Angel Grove East, and Angel Grove West.
Battle Task Force Power Rangers:The ancient spirits of the Zyuranger, Earth’s first Ranger team from 1.7-million years ago, appeared to five teens in Angel Grove City. The Zyuranger spirits, who had joined with the One Power upon death, passed on their Dino Bucklers to the teens so they could become the Battle Task Force Power Rangers. They morphed into their armor by shouting “Dino Buckler!” and snapping their bucklers open. Jason Scott become the Red Tyranno Ranger, Zack Taylor became the Black Mammoth Ranger, Billy Cranston became the Blue Tricera Ranger, Trini Kwan became the Yellow Tiger Ranger, and Kimberly Hart became the Pink Ptera Ranger. Tommy Oliver later joined the team as the Green Dragon Ranger.
Crossworld City:A city north of Angel Grove.
Dragon, the: A prophecy from Eltar foretells that someone called the Dragon will bring about the end of the galaxy. The prophecy reads as follows: “Tragedy will set his path. The Dragon, born of rage, born of hate, will rise on the winds of death. The earth will shake. The heavens will tremble. And all will know fear. His pain will blanket the skies. Born of The Light. Born of The Shadow. His path to redemption will herald the End of All Things. The savior. The destroyer. The end to us all.” The prophecy was known by Professor Koji, who had a laptop with information and history about the Power Rangers. How he stumbled upon the information was a mystery.
Eltar:The homeworld of Zordon. The Eltarians were a humanoid race that appeared almost identical to humans. They had an average lifespan of about 1,000 Earth years. (First mentioned in the prologue).
First Great War:A war 1.7-million years ago that shattered the Ryujinn empire into separate tribes. The Ryujinn were an ancient race that lived alongside the dinosaurs. One of the Ryujinn, Akessell was a weak boy and sought ways to make himself stronger. He used an ancient spell to summon the evil spirit DaiSatan to Earth. This started the First Great War. Some of the Ryujinn swore allegiance to DaiSatan and became a cult of his followers, known as the Ka’zuul. The Ryujinn King was the leader of the Ka’zuul, which caused the empire to collapse. His people reorganized into tribes and sent their best warriors to kill the Ryujinn King, and his death ended the Great War. (First mentioned in Chapter 20)
Five Stars of Heaven:Angel Grove was on a nexus of magical energy that ran through the Earth. The Five Stars of Heaven were the guardians of that nexus. Each star was from a specific area of the city: North, south, east, west, and central. This information was known by Professor Koji, based on a prophecy about the final battle between good and evil. He referred to Tommy as the Red Star of the North. The identities of the other Stars was unknown. The wording of the prophecy is as follows: “To each generation, five stars will rise, and they will guard the Holy Ground, where the Sacred Walked, before the Wheel of Time.”
Gears of Fate:According to an Eltarian philosophy, the Gears of Fate turn the Wheel of Time, which weaves the Pattern of Ages. Each individual’s life is a thread in the pattern of an age. (First mentioned in Chapter 03)
Hayate Way:The Hayate Way had four schools across the world: Angel Grove’s Little Tokyo, Japan, Korea, and China. The Hayate Way taught three fighting styles: Hakkyokuseiken, Koppouken, and Shiranui. Tommy Oliver studied the Hakkyokuseiken at the Angel Grove Hayate Way. (First mentioned in Chapter 11)
Hakkyokuseiken style: One of three styles taught at the Hayate Way in Little Tokyo. Hakkyokuseiken was a mix of Dragon-Fist Kung-Fu, karate, Tae Kwan-do, and ninjutsu. Tommy Oliver learned the Hakkyokuseiken style as a student of the Hayate Way. (First mentioned in Chapter 15)
Ikkazuchi Way: It is unknown how many Ikkazuchi Way schools were across the world. One was in Angel Grove’s Little Tokyo, and at least one was in Japan. The Ikkazuchi Way taught two fighting styles: Kukishin and Jinenkan. Billy Cranston learned the Jinenkan style from Master Kosugi, who fled from Japan’s Ikkazuchi Way. (First mentioned in Chapter 15)
Jinenkan style: One of two styles taught at the Ikkazuchi Way in Little Tokyo. Jinenkan was a mix of Zui Quan Kung Fu, koppojutsu, ninjutsu, bojutsu and judo. Billy Cranston learned the Jinenkan style from Master Kosugi, a janitor for the Center Grove Community School District in Angel Grove Central. (First mentioned in Chapter 15)
Ka’zuul:The Ryujinn followers of DaiSatan 1.7 million years ago. The Ryujinn were an ancient race that lived alongside the dinosaurs. DaiSatan could channel his energy through his followers.
Morphing:A Ranger can channel the One Power to transform, which is called morphing. Morphing increases the body’s natural attributes such as strength and stamina, creates protective armor out of energy, and allows the Ranger greater access to The Power for special attacks.
Morphing Grid:How Billy Cranston refers to the One Power.
One Power, the:A river of power that permeates the universe, and the source of what humans call magick. The Power turns the Gears of Fate and provides the balance between good and evil. The One Power has different currents, and each current is a particular type of energy. A wielder of The Power will have a greater strength with channeling energy from one current. For example, the evil witch Bandora channeled shadow energy from The Power. Rangers can channel The Power to transform, which is called morphing. (First mentioned in Chapter 03)
Order, the:The first Ranger named Jestin defeated the galaxy-wide empire of evil ruled over by Sauron eons ago at the beginning of recorded time. Afterward, he established an Order of Masters and Rangers across the galaxy. Each Ranger team was mentored by a Master, who did not actually join the team in battle. The Order prospered until a warlord named Lord Zedd came to power and gathered enough strength to wipe out the Masters and Rangers.
Purple Dragon Gang:A gang with members scattered across Angel Grove City. Shortly before Jason Scott became a Power Ranger, he and his sister Janet were ambushed by members of the Purple Dragon Gang, and Janet was shot and killed in the resulting struggle. The gang leader who shot Janet was named Logan. (Introduced in Chapter 18)
Ranger:Can channel the One Power to transform, called morphing. Morphing increases the body’s natural attributes, such as strength and stamina, and creates protective armor out of energy. When in Ranger form, a person can channel more energy than a typical wielder of The Power, and the energy flow is constant.
Ryujinn: Members of an ancient civilization that lived alongside the dinosaurs on Earth about 1.7-million years ago. They worshiped the dinosaurs as gods. They were part of a kingdom confined to a single jungle island. One of the Ryujinn, Akessell was a weak boy and sought ways to make himself stronger. He used an ancient spell to summon the evil spirit DaiSatan to Earth. This started the First Great War. Some of the Ryujinn swore allegiance to DaiSatan and became a cult of his followers, known as the Ka’zuul. The Ryujinn King was the leader of the Ka’zuul, which caused the empire to collapse. His people reorganized into tribes and sent their best warriors to kill the Ryujinn King, and his death ended the First Great War. The Ryujinn resettled into five main tribes, also called clans: the Daimu, the Etofu, the Sharma, the Yamato, and the Rishiya. The war against DaiSatan continued in the meantime, and DaiSatan chose on of the Ryujinn to become the witch Bandora and lead his forces. This started the Second Great War. It was during the second war that six of the Ryujinn were gifted with powers from Zordon to become Rangers, called Zyuranger. The Ryujinn race was wiped out by the meteor Bandora summoned to kill all the dinosaurs. (First mentioned in Chapter 03)
Second Great War: DaiSatan chose Bandora as the witch to lead his forces against the Ryujinn people on Earth 1.7-million years ago. Zordon of Eltar arrived on Earth and formed the Zyuranger to fight against her. At the end of the Second Great War, Bandora had separated Zordon’s consciousness from his body, but he used his powers and his Rangers to seal Bandora in a pocket dimension beneath the surface of the Earth’s moon. Before her defeat, Bandora summoned the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs. The few remaining Ryujinn were wiped out by the same cataclysmic event within 20 years after the end of the Second Great War.
Shimmering:An art of teleportation used by the forces of Bandora and DaiSatan. Shimmering is an instant spell that makes its caster shimmer out of view and teleport away. The shimmering is an effect of the ripples of space folding over the caster.
Sight:Few people, such as the Ryujinn weapons maker Barza on Earth 1.7-million years ago, could channel the One Power for an ability called Sight. The Sight allowed channelers of The Power to see or sense glimpses of the future. Zordon had a limited Sight ability that focused more on sensing glimpses of the future
Stone Canyon:A city south of Angel Grove. The two cities were bordered by a river surrounded by woods.
Titan: The homeworld of Goldar. The people of Titan have characteristics similar to wolves and simians. They are all winged. Their average lifespan was 5,000 years.
Viewing Globe: One of the few artifacts Zordon brought with him on his journey to Earth from Eltar. The magick Viewing Globe could sense disturbances and outbursts of violence. The globe could zero in on those disturbances and show the viewer the events that were transpiring. Zordon shared a mystical, mental link with the globe.
Witch:A witch can channel shadow energy from The Power and use that energy to summon creatures from other realms and dimensions, and she can bind those creatures to her will. A witch typically channels the One Power through artifacts and runes, along with spells and incantations. Bandora was a witch. (First mentioned in Chapter 03)
Zyuranger:Earth’s first Ranger team about 1.7-million years ago. Zordon recruited his Rangers from the Ryujinn, members of an ancient civilization that lived alongside the dinosaurs. Their spirits were absorbed by the One Power when they died. They passed their Dino Bucklers on to the Power Rangers when they sensed Bandora was free and about to attack Angel Grove City. (First mentioned in Chapter 03)