




Akuma: Known as the Dark Man. His past remains a mystery. He literally manipulated Tommy into existence for the sole purpose of using him to break the cycle of time and recreate reality. First appeared as somewhat of a mentor to Tommy. Made his true nature known at the climax of the Mogralord War in early 2008. Tommy turned against Akuma, and Akuma failed in his plan to use Tommy to stop the universe’s cycle of destruction and rebirth (Ultimate Power Rangers: The Champions Saga Chapter 12).


Afterward, the Pattern (the fabric of time, fate and reality) started to unravel as reality tried to restart again. Akuma set several secret plans into play. Even he was uncertain of the future, which was in a state of constant flux, so he started many different plots. He gathered an army of his own and dubbed them the Marauders. He recruited one of his Marauders, Vexacus, from the ranks of the Jakanja. He also created a villain called Shadow Blade, who was really the evil Tommy Oliver of Demon World Earth, an alternate world where evil ruled. The Marauders wiped out most of the Jakanja leadership, called the Spears of the Jakanja (New Generation Year One: Wind and Thunder Chapter 01)


For reasons unknown, Akuma told Simon Kaden where to find Azmodai, the demon who possessed his birth father (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 23).



Azmodai: The First Demon and Son of the Dark One, Mephisto. A pale man in a black suit, with a black pin on the collar instead of a tie. His face was slender, and he had a neatly-trimmed goatee that matched the color of his slick black hair. First appeared briefly at the Wolfram & Hart law firm building, although his identity was unknown at the time (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 01).


Azmodai possessed six different men to impregnate Madelyn, the Black Queen of the Hellfire Club, and mother of Kimberly Hart. Azmodai and the Black Queen had six different children, including Simon and Samuel (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 17).


Simon and Samuel were each abandoned and knew nothing of each other, their other siblings, or their birth parents. Azmodai referred to his children as the Chosen and could speak with them telepathically. He called out to them for help in breaking the First Seal of the Dark One’s prison (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 22).


Azmodai used Tyler Oliver, the son of the former Dragon Ranger Tommy Oliver, as part of a ceremony to break the First Seal. They performed the ceremony in Demon City, over a massive scar in reality that extended from the mortal realm to Hell, also called Hades (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 25).  



Blake Lee: Steven “Blake” Lee, Navy Thunder, 18-years-old.  Born in 1991. Blake lived with his father in Angel Grove Central after his parents separated, while his brother Hunter lived with their mother Lilly in Angel Grove East. Blake was briefly trained in the Jinenkan style by former Power Ranger William “Billy” Cranston. Blake also studied the Jinenkan art at the Ikkazuchi Way. As a Ranger, Blake controls the Navy Beetlezord and is armed with the Stag Breaker. He has the power of lightning.


UPR New Gen Year One: The space pirates Jakanja destroyed the Ikkazuchi Way in Angel Grove while Hunter and Blake were enrolled at the school. The brothers vowed to use the destruction as an opportunity to remake the Ikkazuchi Way. They wanted to bring the school out from the shadows and restore its honor. Shortly after the destruction of the Ikkazuchi Way, they learned that Tommy Oliver was the former Green Dragon Ranger and mentor of the Wind Power Rangers. Their mother had died—they initially thought their father had died too, but he survived—during a battle between the Green Dragon Ranger and Battle Task Force Power Rangers in 2001. So the brothers vowed revenge against Tommy. (New Generation Year One: Wind and Thunder Chapter 07).


Blake and his older brother Hunter appeared as the Thunder Rangers to fight against Tommy Oliver’s Wind Power Rangers (New Generation Year One: Wind and Thunder Chapter 06). Hunter and Blake received their powers from the Tommy Oliver of Demon World Earth. Dark Tommy manipulated the brothers to fight against the real Tommy and his Power Rangers. Additionally, Dark Tommy had killed the Thunder Rangers’ father. Once the brothers learned the truth, they turned against Dark Tommy (New Generation Year One: Wind and Thunder Chapter 11). Eventually, they joined the Wind Power Rangers as teammates. Together, the Wind Power Rangers and Thunder Power Rangers called themselves the Hurricane Power Rangers. 


UPR New Gen Year Two: Hunter and Blake traveled to Japan following the defeat of Jakanja. There, Hunter overthrew the Ikkazuchi Way’s leadership and took control of the ninja. He aimed to turn the Ikkazuchi into a force of good. Under the leadership of Hunter, the Ikkazuchi dealt a crushing blow to a group of ninja assassins called the Hand. Blake resumed a relationship with Rachel Gray, Hurricane Blue, upon returning to the United States.




Bio-Beast Rangers: Dr. William “Billy” Cranston’s INET organization established a school called Academia, to instruct the brightest of minds. The school housed several projects, including the Gene Tech Task Force Bio-Beast Rangers.

  • Cam Maddox: Green Rhino. 

  • Dax Slater: Red Falcon.

  • Ian Rumson: Yellow Lion.

  • Kylie Scott: Blue Dolphin. 

  • Marcus Huntsman: Black Bison.





Dark One: Before time, the Life Giver created seven cosmic beings to forge the universe. He built a throne for himself on a planet now called Earth. To expand his influence to infinite space, he created The Power, also called the One Power, what humans call magick.


When the Life Giver created the One Power, he gave life to 13 immortals, Priests of the One Power. The Power took on a will of its own. Not consciousness, but a will. A will for harmony and balance. To bring balance, one of the seven cosmic beings that forged the universe rebelled against the Life Giver. The being called himself the Dark One, Mephisto.


When the Dark One Mephisto rose to power to fight against the Life Giver, he took nine Priests of the One Power under his control. They became the Forsaken. And they learned to serve the Dark One willingly (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 25). The Life Giver imprisoned the Dark One in the core of a world called Hades (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 12).


In the end, the Lifegiver managed to banish Hades into a realm of its own, known as Hell. The victory came at a price to the Life Giver. He lost much of his strength, and had to separate his essence into different forms. These forms became the gods of legend for the Egyptians, Greeks, Roman, Japanese, and others. The Power seeks balance for all things, including demi-gods. Half the gods turned to evil, and half to good. But whether good or evil, all of these gods viewed humanity and the greater universe as nothing but play things. According to the Dark Man Akuma: the gods of evil and good formed a mockery of peace. Instead of fighting each other outright, they decided to use The Power as their gaming board, and all of reality as their game pieces. Since that time, all of reality, all the realms, has been caught in a circular game. The universe has been created and destroyed nine times. Each time, reality essentially restarts. Resets itself, so the gods can play their game again (Ultimate Power Rangers: The Champions Saga Chapter 12).



Dark Man: See “Akuma” entry.



Dark Shaper: The Astro Rangers stumbled upon Demon World Earth on their way home following the aftermath of the Countdown to Destruction. A dimensional anomaly pulled them into the parallel world’s orbit. On Demon World Earth, evil ruled, and Dr. William “Billy” Cranston served on the side of that evil as the Dark Shaper. He set up a lab to experiment with biological creations and powerful energies. (Ultimate Power Rangers Year Five: Demon World Earth). When the Astro Rangers returned to their Earth, they accidentally pulled the Dark Shaper, as well as a dark version of Tommy Oliver, along with them. Cranston stayed hidden until following the Second Countdown Destruction.  He revealed himself as the mastermind behind Dark Tommy’s creation of the Thunder Ranger powers. (New Generation Year One: Wind and Thunder Chapter 11). The Dark Shaper sought more power. He created a robotic army, struck an uneasy deal with the real Billy Cranston, and invaded BOARD. During his attack, he stole the Chalice Card. (New Generations Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 04). Cranston continued to manipulate the events of the BOARD Kamen Riders and their enemies, the Undead. He spurred the creation of Kamen Rider Leangle. (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 20). The following comprised the Dark Shaper’s robotic army:

  • Chrome.



  • Combax



  • Crabor



  • Decimator



  • Hammer Fist.



  • Insectatron.



  • Toxoid.



  • Zelton




Dark Tommy Oliver: See “Shadow Blade” entry.



DECA Rangers: Dr. William “Billy” Cranston created Space Patrol Delta to act as a galactic police force. He assigned the Earth branch of SPD a Ranger team, the DECA Rangers. The DECA Rangers served alongside the Silver Guardians, also assigned to the Earth branch of SPD. The DECA Rangers battled meta-level criminals. (New Generation Year Two: DECA Rangers Chapter One)


·        Bridge: DECA Green.



·        Nat: DECA Red.



·        Kruger: DECA Shadow.



·        Sam: DECA Break. Dr. William “Billy” Cranston created a reserve academy unofficially known as the Sixth Ranger Academy. The academy provided additional Ranger support to SPD teams in times of trouble. The academy dispatched Sam to Earth when needed, and eventually reassigned him to Earth fulltime.

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·        Sky: DECA Blue.



·        Syd: DECA Pink.



·        Z: DECA Yellow.




Forsaken: Before time, when the Life Giver created the One Power, he gave life to 13 immortals, Priests of the One Power. When the Dark One Mephisto rose to power to fight against the Life Giver, he took nine Priests of the One Power under his control. They became the Forsaken. And they learned to serve the Dark One willingly. The forces of the Life Giver imprisoned the Forsaken before the gods crafted the Wheel of Time. The demon Azmodai, The First Demon and Son of the Dark One, released the Forsaken when he used Tyler Oliver to break the First Seal of the Dark One’s prison. (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 25).



Garo: Samuel, Simon Kaden’s younger half-brother. The First Demon Azmodai possessed six different men to have six different children with Madelyn, Black Queen of the Hellfire Club. She gave birth to Simon, Zen, Samuel, R.J., Brandon and Owen.


Samuel spent his life shuffling from foster home to foster home. So when the Black Queen of the Hellfire Club offered him a real family, he accepted the offer. (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 16). His demon heritage gave him empathic senses, like his older brother Simon. Samuel felt the pain and suffering of others. He wanted nothing more than to make all that pain and suffering go away. The Hellfire Club offered a path to accomplish this, a path to stability, which Samuel craved. The Hellfire Club made Samuel a Hellfire Knight, Garo, equipped with Soul Metal Armor. A wearer could use the armor for a limited amount of time before it burnt the soul. But Samuel surpassed this limitation during the Sabbath, and he went missing afterward. (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 25).




Gedoushuu: Demons of the Sanzu River, which flowed across the outskirts of Hell.

·        Dayu.


·        Juzou.


·        Nanashi.


·        Serrator.


·        Shitari.


·        Spit Fangs.


·        Xandred.



Hand, the: An organization of ninja assassins. Tommy’s former mentor at the Hayate Way, Sensei Mugensai, explained the Hand’s origins like this: An order of assassins. Ninja, involved in organized crime. They were originally a secret society of nationalist samurai, founded in 1588 in Japan. They were honorable, but frustrated with a corrupt government tainted by foreign influences. Their goal was to restore political power to the people. But the pursuit of their goal changed them. They themselves became corrupt. The Hand transformed from a group of freedom fighters into an organization of mercenaries for hire. However, the Hand were not content with simply providing their services to the highest bidders, as other factions of ninja, such as the Ikkazuchi. They worked as both assassins for others and sought power themselves. They crafted alliances of convenience while seeking to eliminate their enemies.



·         Hunter Lee: (See “Hunter” entry)

·         Chiyome: Hunter Lee, the Crimson Thunder Ranger, took over the Ikkazuchi Way and assaulted the Hand. He dealt the assassins a crippling blow and killed their leader, Kagenobu. Afterward, Kagenobu’s son Sasaki organized the remnants of the Hand and took control of the organization. He enlisted the help of his sister, Chiyome. But Chiyome doubted her brother’s leadership and viewed him as incompetent. Chiyome captured Hunter and plotted to use him to lead the Hand to greatness once again. (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 14). Chiyome killed her brother and took control of the Hand. (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 16). She manipulated Hunter, but too well — he killed her and took control of the Hand for himself.

·         Death Hand: A demonic ninja created by Chiyome.



·         Night Stalker: A Jonin equipped with Combat Gear.

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·         Grunts:

o   Genin: Standard grunts. Possessed low-level ninpo, including slightly heightened strength, agility and reflexes. 



o   Chunin: More advanced than Genin. Capable of wielding basic ninpo techniques.


o   Jonin: Ninja transformed by Chiyome with black Shadow Ninpo.

Ryu, New Costume


Hellfire Club: An exclusive club of the wealthy and elite formed in Britain in the 18th century. They originally formed to embellish in pleasantries and manipulate politicians and businessmen. Throughout the decades, their hunger for power grew. An even smaller group known as the Inner Circle led the organization. The Inner Circle centered their beliefs on the cosmic entity known as the Phoenix Force. They believed the Phoenix, when born on Earth, would give them the power to control and reshape the world. The Inner Circle targeted the Pink Ranger, Kimberly Hart, when they learned she served as a host for the Phoenix Force (Ultimate Power Rangers Year Six: Movie- the Dark Phoenix). The Rangers tried to stop the Hellfire Club, but the Inner Circle managed to release the Phoenix within Kimberly. The Phoenix would not allow herself to be controlled, and she killed the members of the Inner Circle.  


A new Inner Circle had formed by 2011 (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 16). The group sought to bring stability to a world spinning out of control. They wished to use conventional means to do so, but recognized they needed unconventional methods to defeat enemies who would stand in their way—enemies who had grunts and monsters. The Club recruited magick users to its cause and created armored warriors called Hellfire Knights. They tried to manipulate Simon and the Hurricane Power Rangers into joining them, but the Rangers did not agree.



·         Black Queen- Madelyn: At a young age, Madelyn met the demon Azmodai. She served as a Dark Priestess of the Oniashee, an order of low-level necromancers, warlocks and witches. She later joined the Hellfire Club as a Pawn. She gave birth to Kimberly Hart (who would become the Pink Ranger) by accident. But by doing so, she learned the power of her own blood. She was strong with One Power and attuned to the energies of the universe itself, the Power Cosmic. She knew if she could have children as strong as Kimberly by mistake, she could have even stronger children by design. Madelyn had six other children, each with a different man possessed by Azmodai. The first child was Simon. The third was Samuel. She abandoned each child after birth. (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 17).

·         Black King- Elias Kaine: He objected to the Hellfire Club meddling in matters of Rangers and monsters. He believed the former Inner Circle fell because of their foolish attempts to enter the world of the Rangers, and he didn’t want to make the same mistake. When the Hellfire Club kidnapped Simon and the Power Rangers, the Black King killed the White King and helped the Rangers escape. (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 17). He didn’t take part in the Hellfire Club’s plan to help Azmodai break the First Seal of the Dark One’s prison.

·         White King- Freidrich: A necromancer. The Black King killed the White King while helping the Rangers escape the Hellfire Club. (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 17).

·         White Rook- Quentin: An alchemist. (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 24).

·         Black Rook- Kimblee: An alchemist. (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 24).



Hunter Lee: Elliott “Hunter” Lee, Crimson Thunder, 19-years-old. Born in 1990. Hunter lived with his mother in Angel Grove East, while his brother Blake lived with their father in Angel Grove Central. Hunter was trained in the Kukishin style by former Power Ranger Adam Park. Hunter also studied the Kukishin style at the Ikkazuchi Way. As a Ranger, Hunter controls the Crimson Insectazord and is armed with the Thunder Cannon. He has the power of shadow.


UPR New Gen Year One: The space pirates Jakanja destroyed the Ikkazuchi Way in Angel Grove while Hunter and Blake were enrolled at the school. The brothers vowed to use the destruction as an opportunity to remake the Ikkazuchi Way. They wanted to bring the school out from the shadows and restore its honor. Shortly after the destruction of the Ikkazuchi Way, they learned that Tommy Oliver was the former Green Dragon Ranger and mentor of the Wind Power Rangers. Their mother had died—they initially thought their father had died too, but he survived—during a battle between the Green Dragon Ranger and Battle Task Force Power Rangers in 2001. So the brothers vowed revenge against Tommy. (New Generation Year One: Wind and Thunder Chapter 07).


Blake and his older brother Hunter appeared as the Thunder Rangers to fight against Tommy Oliver’s Wind Power Rangers (New Generation Year One: Wind and Thunder Chapter 06). Hunter and Blake received their powers from the Tommy Oliver of Demon World Earth. Dark Tommy manipulated the brothers to fight against the real Tommy and his Power Rangers. Additionally, Dark Tommy had killed the Thunder Rangers’ father. Once the brothers learned the truth, they turned against Dark Tommy (New Generation Year One: Wind and Thunder Chapter 11). Eventually, they joined the Wind Power Rangers as teammates. Together, the Wind Power Rangers and Thunder Power Rangers called themselves the Hurricane Power Rangers. 


UPR New Gen Year Two: Hunter and Blake traveled to Japan following the defeat of Jakanja. There, Hunter overthrew the Ikkazuchi Way’s leadership and took control of the ninja. He aimed to turn the Ikkazuchi into a force of good. Under the leadership of Hunter, the Ikkazuchi dealt a crushing blow to a group of ninja assassins called the Hand.


The Hand regrouped under the leadership of a brother and sister: Sasaki and Chiyome. Chiyome kidnapped Hunter and started to drive him to despair, which triggered his darkest emotions. The Power Rangers rescued Hunter before Chiyome could bring him under her control, but her influence tainted Hunter. He began acting rash and unpredictable. Chiyome killed her brother to take over sole leadership of the Hand. She planned to elevate the Hand to a greater power level through a ceremony called the Sabbath. (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 14). She manipulated Hunter and the Ikkazuchi into joining her. Hunter then split from the Power Rangers (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 19).


Hunter and the Hand struck at Demon City; Hunter wanted to wipe the evil of Demon City from Angel Grove. But Chiyome had an ulterior motive. She learned that people attuned to the Shadow Energy of the One Power, like Hunter, had become Gates. When driven to despair, Gates would become literal gateways for demons to burst into the mortal world. Hunter was the strongest gate, capable of producing the strongest demon. She planned for him to lead her army of newly-born Phantom Demons following the Sabbath.


The Sabbath was a special ceremony meant to unleash multiple Gates at once, including Hunter.  (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 24). A Phantom Demon emerged in Hunter. But Hunter managed to keep the demon from killing him and bursting free into the mortal world. However, the Phantom Demon remained inside his body, changing him. Hunter left the Rangers, Killed Chiyome and assumed leadership of the Hand. (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 25)

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Jet Force: Dr. William “Billy” Cranston started the J-Force Project to create his first completely-independent Ranger team. He assigned the Jet Task Force Aero Rangers to the ISIS Defense Initiative. The Defense Initiative battled threats on a cosmic/demonic/inter-dimensional level. They defeated the inter-dimensional villains known as the Vyram. (New Generation Year One: Jet Force Chapter One)


·         Amy: Aero Blue/Blue Swallow. Inter-dimensional villains called the Vyram attacked Billy’s Jet Force project, causing beams of stray energy to scatter into Angel Grove. One of the beams struck Amy, a high-school student, giving her the power to become a member of the Jet Task Force Aero Rangers. Jet Force defeated the Vyram after a year-long battle that started in 2008 (New Generation: Year One). (1)


·         Christopher Naxx: Aero Red/Red Hawk. Billy Cranston recruited Christopher for Jet Force straight after high school. The Jet Force project gave Christopher the power to become the leader of the Jet Task Force Aero Rangers. The Vyram attacked almost immediately afterward, and Christopher’s girlfriend Marie died in the assault (New Generation: Year One).


·         Kristin Worthington: Aero White/White Swan. Inter-dimensional villains called the Vyram attacked Billy’s Jet Force project, causing beams of stray energy to scatter into Angel Grove. One of the beams struck Kristin, a millionaire’s daughter, giving her the power to become a member of the Jet Task Force Aero Rangers. Jet Force defeated the Vyram after a year-long battle that started in 2008 (New Generation: Year One). 



·         Matthew Long: Aero Yellow/Yellow Owl. Inter-dimensional villains called the Vyram attacked Billy’s Jet Force project, causing beams of stray energy to scatter into Angel Grove. One of the beams struck Matthew, a farm boy, giving him the power to become a member of the Jet Task Force Aero Rangers. Jet Force defeated the Vyram after a year-long battle that started in 2008 (New Generation: Year One).


·         Vince Carter: Aero Black/Black Condor. Inter-dimensional villains called the Vyram attacked Billy’s Jet Force project, causing beams of stray energy to scatter into Angel Grove. One of the beams struck Vince, a jazz-playing gambler, giving him the power to become a member of the Jet Task Force Aero Rangers. Jet Force defeated the Vyram after a year-long battle that started in 2008 (New Generation: Year One).



Justin Stewart: Hurricane Yellow, 18-years-old, from Angel Grove West. Born in 1991. Justin’s mother died during child birth, and his father left him at the Angel’s Haven Children’s Shelter while moving from military base to military base. Justin’s father quickly remarried a woman, who gave birth to Justin’s younger half-sister Erika. Erika’s mother and Justin’s father died in a car crash shortly after Erika was born. Justin was trained in the Koppouken style by former Power Ranger Rocky DeSantos before enrolling in the Hayate Way. As a Ranger, Justin controls the Hurricane Lion zord and is armed with the Lion Hammer. He has the power of earth.


UPR New Gen Year One: Justin studied at the Hayate Way under the direction of Tommy Oliver. The space pirates Jakanja attacked Earth and targeted the Hayate Way, wiping out its students. Justin and his friends Simon Kaden and Rachel Gray survived the attack and became the Wind Power Rangers (New Generation Year One: Wind and Thunder Chapter 01). They were eventually joined by Blake Lee, the Navy Thunder Ranger, and Hunter Lee, the Crimson Thunder Ranger. Together, they formed the Hurricane Task Force Power Rangers and defeated the Jakanja (New Generation Year One: Wind and Thunder Chapter 24).


Justin stayed in touch with his sister Erika at the Angel’s Haven Children’s Shelter until she decided to join one of her teachers, Miss. Julia, on a mission trip to Africa. (New Generation Year One: Wind and Thunder Chapter 04). 


UPR New Gen Year Two: Justin learned his father wasn’t really dead. His father, Matthew Stewart, served a secret government agency called Section 31 (See Section 31 entry for more details).


Section 31 fought against a terrorist group from the future, the Egos. A team of Time Rangers arrived in the past to help fight the Egos. The Time Rangers wanted to kill Justin’s father and other Section 31 agents to preserve the timeline; the team couldn’t allow the agents to live with the knowledge and technology they had acquired. But instead, the agents struck a deal and agreed to fake their own deaths. Justin’s father, Matthew Stewart, went into hiding and faked his death along with his wife (Erika’s mother), leaving Justin and Erika behind.  Justin reunited with his father in Japan during the Rangers’ mission to track down the ninja assassins called the Hand (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 15). The Hand attacked the Section 31 base where Justin’s father was staying. The base exploded, seeming to kill Justin’s father while inside. But Justin had confidence his father wasn’t really dead (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 16).




Kamen Rider Blade: Real name- Ken. As a child, he watched his foster parents die in a fire. He could do nothing to save them and felt helpless. This motivated him to help others, which is why he joined the ISIS Prevention and Recovery Initiative when recruited by Dr. William “Billy” Cranston’s INET corporation. Cranston chose Ken to become a Rider under the umbrella of BOARD, an organization within the initiative. (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter Six). The Rider system trapped monsters called Undead inside cards and harnessed the energy of those cards. As Kamen Rider Blade, Ken drew power from the Ace of Spades, which contained the Beetle Undead. He used other cards in the Spades suit for special attacks.


Ken and his partner Benjamin (Kamen Rider Garren) eventually learned that INET recreated the Undead and set them lose on the city intentionally, just so the Riders could round them up and seal them. They never learned why. But after finding out about this secret, INET confronted Ken and Benjamin, and the Riders fled along with their handler, a girl named Megan. The Dark Shaper’s robotic army attacked the ISIS Prevention and Recovery Initiative Headquarters the same day. They targeted BOARD Division specifically, wiping out its guards, scientists and researchers. Benjamin and Ken didn’t know the origins of the army. They thought the attack was a cover up. They didn’t realize for sure that they were right—the real Billy Cranston and Dark Shaper had coordinated the attack to wipe out all evidence of Billy’s involvement with recreating the Undead. Only a few of Billy’s most trusted researchers and scientists were allowed to survive.


Ken, Benjamin and Megan were left jobless after the attack. So, they moved in with a young man they had met during an early battle with the Undead. The young man was named Bobby, a writer in his mid-twenties. He was fascinated with the Kamen Riders and planned to write a book about their adventures someday. 


Ken and Benjamin used Bobby’s two-story home as a make-shift base. Megan set up her own office, equipped with a computer that could find and track Undead. Unfortunately, the Undead were only traceable when fighting. (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 20). 



  • Jack Form.


  • King Form.



Kamen Rider Chalice: His past a mystery, Chalice first appeared as an agent of the Dark Shaper, the Billy from Demon World Earth. (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter Five). But Chalice broke away from the Dark Shaper and ventured out on his own. He took a human form and name, Zayden. Zayden accidentally killed a man during his battle with the Deer Undead. The man carried a photo of his wife and daughter, which Zayden found. Curious of human emotions and family bonds, Zayden tracked down the man’s family — Cassie and her daughter Ava — and lived with them. Zayden harnessed the power of the Ace of Hearts to transform.

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  • Wild Form.



Kamen Rider Garren: Real name- Benjamin. Recruited by BOARD and given the Kamen Rider Garren System (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter Six). The Rider system trapped monsters called Undead inside cards and harnessed the energy of those cards. As Kamen Rider Garren, Benjamin drew power from the Ace of Diamonds, which contained the Stag-Beetle Undead. He used other cards in the Diamond suit for special attacks.


Benjamin and his partner Ken (Kamen Rider Blade) eventually learned that INET recreated the Undead and set them lose on the city intentionally, just so the Riders could round them up and seal them. They never learned why. But after finding out about this secret, INET confronted Ken and Benjamin, and the Riders fled along with their handler, a girl named Megan. The Dark Shaper’s robotic army had attacked the ISIS Prevention and Recovery Initiative Headquarters the same day. They targeted BOARD Division specifically, wiping out its guards, scientists and researchers. Benjamin and Ken didn’t know the origins of the army. They thought the attack was a cover up. They didn’t realize for sure that they were right—the real Billy Cranston and Dark Shaper had coordinated the attack to wipe out all evidence of Billy’s involvement with recreating the Undead. Only a few of Billy’s most trusted researchers and scientists were allowed to survive.


Ken, Benjamin and Megan were left jobless after the attack. So, they moved in with a young man they had met during an early battle with the Undead. The young man was named Bobby, a writer in his mid-twenties. He was fascinated with the Kamen Riders and planned to write a book about their adventures someday. 


Ken and Benjamin used Bobby’s two-story home as a make-shift base. Megan set up her own office, equipped with a computer that could find and track Undead. Unfortunately, the Undead were only traceable when fighting. (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 20). 


Benjamin started to believe the Garren system was killing him. He blamed the system for waves of dizziness and feelings of intense panic (he later learned these feelings were a result of his own self-doubt). The Peacock Undead in human form took advantage of this weakness and manipulated Benjamin into accepting his assistance- through the form of a chemical treatment. The Peacock Undead secretly meant to use the treatment as a way to test and study the Kamen Rider’s powers.


Benjamin’s former girlfriend, Emma, tried to talk sense into Benjamin when she noticed his increased agitation- a side effect of the chemical treatment. The Peacock Undead killed her for meddling. Garren defeated the Peacock Undead after learning about Emma’s murder. Afterward, he vowed never to fight as Garren again.


He broke that vow to help his fellow Riders battle in Demon City during the Sabbath. (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 25).  

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  • Jack Form.




Kamen Rider Gattack: ZECT recruited Dylan at the age of 18. Dylan lost his older brother during one of Lord Zedd’s monster attacks, and at that moment, Dylan decided to dedicate his life to stopping that kind of loss. Dr. William “Billy” Cranston selected Dylan to become Kamen Rider Kabuto. But Souji Tendou intercepted the zector. Afterward, Cranston mobilized his remaining ZECT Kamen Riders to attack Kabuto. Dylan tried to talk his superiors out of the attack. He didn’t know anything about Tendou’s past, but knew he could trust the Rider. He’d seen Kabuto fight and protect the innocent, and that was all that mattered. Dylan was originally a member of the strike force tasked with hunting Kabuto. He was given the Gattack Zector, which he gladly accepted to fight against the Worms as Kamen Rider Gattack. But he refused to fight against Kabuto. Dylan defected from ZECT and joined Kabuto in the fight against the Worms. (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 21).



Kamen Rider Kabuto: Real name, Souji Tendou. His past remained a mystery. Dr. William “Billy” Cranston formed ZECT as a division of the Silver Guardians. He tasked ZECT with containing dark forces that leaked from Demon City, specifically, the Worms. Cranston equipped ZECT with Kamen Riders, powered by zectors, created with the cells of the Worms. He powered the zectors using the dark energies of the Undead virus released by Centhrax, who created the Worms. Without explanation, Tendou managed to intercept the Kabuto Zector and use it to become Kamen Rider Kabuto. (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 13). Although he fought the Worms, he did not join ZECT. The organization hunted him as a result. (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 21).   





Kamen Rider Kiva: A Fangaira, a being from a different dimension. He appeared human, but with skin of stained glass. INET pulled Kiva from his home through a rupture in space and experimented on him.


  • Emperor Form.



Kamen Rider Leangle: Real name- Nicolas. A passage about Nicolas’s childhood:


No older than two, Nicolas cried out for his parents from within a dark basement. He screamed frantically, as tears streamed down his cheeks. He wanted his mom. He wanted his dad. He wanted to go home.  


Nicolas didn’t understand he was trapped in the basement because of his father. His father and mother had gotten a divorce, and his mother had won custody. Enraged, his father had kidnapped Nicolas and hidden him in a basement for weeks. For weeks, the boy saw nothing but darkness.


He was born from that darkness. Born into darkness. That was why the Spider Undead found him to be such an attractive host.


One day the doors of the basement opened, casting pale light below. Nicolas squinted into the light to see two policemen who had come to save him. They wrapped him in their arms and carried him up the steps to see his crying mother.” 


The Peacock Undead created the Kamen Rider Leangle System after studying Kamen Rider Blade and Kamen Rider Garren. Secretly, the Peacock Undead worked behind the scenes with the Dark Shaper, an alternate version of Billy Cranston who came from a parallel world called Demon World Earth. The Dark Shaper supplied the Spider Undead card to use in the Leangle system.


The Spider Undead’s will targeted Nicolas to become Kamen Rider Leangle. The Undead spoke to him, causing blackouts and memory loss. Eventually, the Leangle belt made it into Nicolas’s hand, and he became Kamen Rider Leangle. The Undead controlled him completely (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 20).  


The Dark Shaper managed to influence the Spider Undead to prompt Leangle into kidnapping Tommy Oliver’s son, Tyler, and take the boy into Demon City (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 22). He broke free from the Spider Undead’s control during the Sabbath, but the monster still influenced his emotions and thoughts. (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 25).  

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Kamen Rider TheBee: INET recruited Marx to join the Silver Guardians. After the formation of the Silver Guardians’ ZECT unit, INET gave Marx the powers of Kamen Rider TheBee. (Ultimate Power Rangers New Generation: Ultimate Origins Chapter 21).




Kamen Rider Saga:



Kou: Hurricane Green. A Gorma named Shadam (although he was unknowingly a false recreation of Shadam) seduced and impregnated a member of the Dai Tribe. His original intention was to use her to spawn a powerful offspring, with a mixture of Gorma and Dai powers, but he fell in love with her. Or perhaps he was just obsessed with her. The Dai woman gave birth to twins, Kou and Akomaru. No one knew she gave birth to twins. In the Gorma tradition, the weaker of the twins is killed so that all the energy is transferred to the stronger. She couldn’t let that happen. She fled with Kou, believing him to be the stronger. She left Akomaru in the care of Dai tribe survivors in hopes that their healers would help him to grow strong. But the Gorma found Akomaru and took him. She knew that someday the Gorma would try to find her again. She also feared that they might be drawn to Kou’s power as they were to Akomaru’s. She placed a tiger brand on Kou to seal the energy inside of him so he could not be found, then she fled. Kou was left in the care of grocers in Angel Grove’s Chinatown.


Kou was 10-years-old when the enchanted Tiger Saber named Byakkoshinken called to him telepathically. The saber told him he was destined to become the White Kiba Ranger (Ultimate Power Rangers Year Two: Five Stars of Heaven Chapter 10). He convinced the Chinese grocers to let him move in with Kimberly so he could get close to the Rangers, and he used the Rangers to get close to the Tiger Saber and become the Kiba Ranger. Kimberly allowed Kou to live with her, and they developed a mother/son, brother/sister bond. 


The Gorma energy within Kou flared to life on his 11th birthday. He almost turned evil. But his mother found him and used Byakkoshinken as part of a ceremony to free Kou from the control of his Gorma energy. She performed the ceremony in a cave, near a giant-sized battle between the Power Rangers and Akomaru’s monster, Silver Horns. The cave collapsed following the ceremony- Kou survived, but his mother did not. The cave-in trapped her inside. After his battle with the Rangers, an injured Akomaru limped into the cave. He was reunited with his mother just before the cave collapsed completely, killing them both (Ultimate Power Rangers Year Two: Five Stars of Heaven Chapter 25).


As the Kiba Ranger, Kou fought alongside the Power Rangers during their first battle against Lord Zedd. During that battle, Zedd used his staff to stab Kou through the chest, which killed him (Ultimate Power Rangers Year Three: Shadow of Evil Chapter 01).


UPR New Gen Year Two: When Kou died, he essentially split into two. Everything about him that was human passed into Heaven. Everything about him that was Gorma, the spawn of the non-man Shadam, went into Hell. The Dark Man, Akuma, resurrected the Kou from Hell and gave him the power of the Demon Karas, a power that came from the Dark One. Twisted with confusion, anger, and grief, Karas fought alongside the Dark Man’s Marauders (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 09). Tommy convinced Kou to leave the Marauders and take on the powers of the late Shurikenger. Instead of adapting the name “Shurikenger”, Kou would call himself Hurricane Green in his Ranger form (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 11).


The villain Xanathor, based in Demon City, manipulated Kou by revealing the truth of his existence. This was Xanathor’s explanation: “What if I told you…” Xanathor whispered with an icy-cold tone. “That you were not really Kou at all? That Kou died, and his soul descended into the Heavenly Realms. Kou was born from a human woman and a non-man, a figure of clay given tremendous power and life. The part of Kou that was human, his soul, left his body after death and descended into Heaven. The part of him that was non-life, that essence, descended into Hell. That essence was you. Kou is resting peacefully with his brother and mother. He has the happiness and rest he deserves. You are nothing but his shadow… a powerful shadow, brought back to the world by the power that fixes your gaze. The power of the Dark One himself.” (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 12). Kou decided to stay with Xanathor in Demon City, because he no longer felt he belonged in the “normal” world.


The demon Azmodai used Tommy Oliver’s young son Tyler as part of a ceremony called the Sabbath in the center of Demon City. When Tyler’s powers flared as part of that ceremony, the energy wave triggered the goodness inside Kou. Kou’s childhood memories overwhelmed him, and he broke away from Xanathor. Kou realized he didn’t belong in Demon City. But he still didn’t feel like he belonged in the “normal” world either. Emotionally lost, he wandered aimlessly through Demon City after the Sabbath (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 25).

kou new



Mephisto: See “Dark One” entry.



Rachel Gray: Hurricane Blue, 18-years-old, from Angel Grove South. Born in 1991. Rachel was the second-oldest of four daughters in her family. Her dad was a former hippie turned Bible thumper, and her mother was an atheist. Rachel aspired to become a famous vocal artist. She was trained in the Shiranui style by former Power Ranger Kimberly Hart before enrolling at the Hayate Way. As a Ranger, Rachel controls the Hurricane Dolphin zord and is armed with the Sonic Fin. She has the power of water.


UPR New Gen Year One: Rachel studied at the Hayate Way under the direction of Tommy Oliver. The space pirates Jakanja attacked Earth and targeted the Hayate Way, wiping out its students. Rachel and her friends Simon Kaden and Justin Stewart survived the attack and became the Wind Power Rangers (New Generation Year One: Wind and Thunder Chapter 01). They were eventually joined by Blake Lee, the Navy Thunder Ranger, and Hunter Lee, the Crimson Thunder Ranger. Together, they formed the Hurricane Task Force Power Rangers and defeated the Jakanja (New Generation Year One: Wind and Thunder Chapter 24).


UPR New Gen Year Two: Rachel continued her relationship with Blake. Also, she befriended the inter-dimensional being known as Kiva, who helped the Rangers as a Kamen Rider. The other Rangers learned that Rachel’s birth name was Tori (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 10). While a young girl, Tori and her friends played with witchcraft during an after-school club. The witchcraft accidentally sparked Tori’s Kiryoku, and she blew up half the school in the process. Her family changed their names and moved for Tori’s protection. She trained in the Shiranui style and enrolled in the Hayate Way to learn how to control her Ki.




Samurai Rangers: Tommy Oliver created the Samurai Rangers using a technique called mojikara. The Rangers used symbols to harness elemental energy, which enhanced their Ki, their Life Force. (New Generation Year Three: Swords and Souls Chapter 01)

  • Anna Tears: Samurai Pink.



  • Anthony: Samurai Gold.


  • Bradin McAllister: Samurai Green.


  • Kirsten Watson: Samurai Yellow.


  • Ryan Phillips: Samurai Blue.


  • Teddy Oliver: Samurai Red.



Shadow Blade: Tommy Oliver from Demon World Earth, an alternate Earth where Tommy became the Evil Green Dragon Ranger but never turned to the side of good. He came to our realty in 2006 (Ultimate Power Rangers Year Five: Movie- Demon World Earth) but stayed hidden until 2008. This is how he explained his origin:


“The Dragon Ranger from another reality, where evil rules, and only the strong survive.” A glimmer of pride showed in his eyes. “I was the strongest of the Dark Warlords, but then…” His gaze shot to Simon and the others. “Your mentor was pulled into my world by an anomaly. When he escaped back to this wretched place, I was pulled with him. For a year, I was unconscious, and when I awoke, my morpher and Power Coin were missing.” He rolled his hands into fists. “I was the Dragon Ranger no more. I returned to the Ikkazuchi Way, intending to take it over. It seems the Tommy of your world was a Hayate whelp, while I was one of the Ikkazuchi’s most promising assassins before becoming a Dark Warlord. My own powers had dwindled without my morpher, but I intended to use the Ikkazuchi to craft my own army.” He looked to Hunter and Blake. “I met your father and learned all I could from him. Then I had him killed during a mission and led the Ikkazuchi from the shadows. I crafted your morphers and zords so that you could lead an army to crush the Dragon Ranger, a task I was too weak to undertake in my present form. I made you my Hidden Task Force. But you’ve failed me, just as you failed your father.” (New Generation Year One: Wind and Thunder Chapter 11).





Simon Kaden: Hurricane Red, 18-years-old, from Angel Grove North. Born in 1991. As a Ranger, Simon controls the Hurricane Hawk zord and is armed with the Hawk Blaster. He has the power of air.  Simon was 9-years-old when he was caught in the middle of Bandora’s first monster attack on Earth (Ultimate Power Rangers Year One: The Dragon’s Rise Chapter 01). He and his older sister-by-adoption Maya quickly became friends with the Power Rangers at the time. Simon was raised by a foster family who eventually adopted him. Simon was trained in the Hakkyokuseiken style by former Power Ranger Tommy Oliver before enrolling at the Hayate Way. In 2007, he became Gao Red to fight against the Org (Ultimate Power Rangers Year Seven: Gao Rangers Chapter 01). He and all of Earth’s champions lost their powers at the end of a massive battle against the demon beast Mogralord (Ultimate Power Rangers: The Champions Saga Chapter 12). 


UPR New Gen Year One: Simon continued to study at the Hayate Way under the direction of Tommy Oliver. The space pirates Jakanja attacked Earth and targeted the Hayate Way, wiping out its students. Simon and his friends Justin Stewart and Rachel Gray survived the attack and became the Wind Power Rangers (New Generation Year One: Wind and Thunder Chapter 01). They were eventually joined by Blake Lee, the Navy Thunder Ranger, and Hunter Lee, the Crimson Thunder Ranger. Together, they formed the Hurricane Task Force Power Rangers and defeated the Jakanja (New Generation Year One: Wind and Thunder Chapter 24).  


UPR New Gen Year Two: Simon started a quest to learn the truth about his birth parents. He learned his birth parents were Madelyn, who would become Black Queen of the Hellfire Club, and a man named John. John worked as an agent with a covert anti-terrorist group called Section 31. He wore the armor of Battle Japan as part of the strike force codenamed Battle Fever J, a proto-ranger team. John was possessed by the First Demon Azmodai, Son of the Dark One, when he impregnated Madelyn. The demon blood gave Simon his unique empathic abilities. John himself was actually a descendent of the First Angel. Thus, Simon has the blood of the First Demon and the First Angel in his veins. (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 17).




Xanathor: The Jakanja Centhrax became an avatar of the God of Death. He called himself Cenathos and unleashed an undead plague upon Angel Grove City, along with creatures called Worms. (New Generation Year One: Wind and Thunder Chapter 19). The Hurricane Power Rangers defeated Cenathos, as well as the Jakanja leader Lothor. After their defeat, Lothor and Cenathos merged into one being: Xanathor. (New Generation Year One: Wind and Thunder Chapter 24). In their fused form, Lothor wore the exoskeleton of Centhrax like a suit of armor. The armor was dull gray, with skulls sculpted on the forearms, elbows, knees and shoulders. The tall helmet had an open faceplate that covered his face with darkness, so that only his eyes, glowing slits of blue, were visible. A small skull was sculpted on the forehead, above the visor. The armor was infused with the power of the God of Death. Xanathor established a base in Demon City. The villain retained Centhrax’s mystical connection to the Power Cosmic. (Author’s note: the Xanathor design is a mix of Centhrax and Arthas, the Lich King from World of Warcraft, who is pictured below)


  • Worms: Xanathor created monsters called Worms. The Worms could leave the boundaries of Demon City by covering their true monster forms in lesser pupa forms. Once free, a Worm could molt into its monster form.



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Zadie: Appears no older than 18, armed with a dagger than can kill demons possessing humans. She was slender, with tight-fitting jeans, cream-colored skin and long black hair. Her eyes were a mix of green and blue. Simon Kaden stumbled upon Zadie while assaulting the Wolfram & Hart law firm building. The demon Azmodai was based out of the building, and Zadie wanted to hunt him down for reasons unknown (New Gen Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 23). Her father was possessed by a demon when he impregnated her mother, giving her demon blood. The man killed himself after the possession, and her mother killed herself soon after. Before killing herself, the mother told Zadie the truth about her father, which led her to become a demon hunter (New Gen Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 24). Zadie planned to help Simon track down lesser demons and bind their spirits to his own Life Force so he could become powerful enough to defeat Azmodai (New Generation Year Two: Ultimate Origins Chapter 25).  










Hurricane Ranger attacks (As of the end of Ultimate Origins)



·         “Air Style! Blade Storm Jutsu!” He channels Kiryoku into his saber to increase its tensile strength. He dashes back and forth through the air while slashing his blade through streaks of energy.

·         “Air Style! Whirlwind Strike Jutsu!” He slams a flying kick against his opponent. He keeps his foot planted against his opponent, pushing the opponent backward through the air. He swings his saber through butterfly patterns to slash his opponent during the flying kick attack.  

·         “Air Style! Air Gallop Jutsu!” He dashes across the air while slashing his opponents.

·         “Whirling Knuckle!” He swings a punch charged with twirling Wind energy.

·         “Whirling Flame!” He creates a bolt of super-heated Wind energy that ignites with flame. He swings his right hand forward and hurls the bolt of fire at his opponent. 

·         “Fire Blade!” He swings his sword, and the blade fires a super-heated wave of Wind energy at his opponent.  




·         “Earth Style! Tunneling Jutsu!” He drills beneath the ground and streaks towards his opponent while kicking up dirt and dust in his wake, creating a shockwave.

·         “Seismic Storm!” He thrusts his arms forward, palm heels together, and fires a jagged blast of yellow seismic energy from his hands. The energy blast streaks towards his opponent with a seismic shockwave.




·         “Hydro Blast!” She thrusts her arms forward, palm heels together, and fires a blast of hydro energy from her hands.

·         “Tempest Wave!” She summons a vortex of hydro energy that surrounds her like a tornado. She thrusts her hands forward, and the cyclone surges towards her opponent. 



·         “Lightning Bolt!” He swings his right hand forward and hurls a bolt of navy-tinted lightning from his palm.

·         “Elemental Crisis!” He swings his right hand forward and fires a thick bolt of navy-tinted lightning from his palm. The lightning bolt snaps through the air with a thundering boom that ripples space/time. 



·         “Shadow Style! Thunder Strike Jutsu!” He channels Shadow energy into his Thunder Staff, which crackles with electricity. He chops the blade diagonally, then swings back upward.  

·         “Shadow Style! Shadow Clone Jutsu!” Five clones of crimson-tinted shadow energy surge from his body and charge his opponent.

·         “Shadow Style! Towering Clone Jutsu!” He creates an illusion of a giant, shadowy version of himself. The illusion takes solid form to stomp or palm-slam an opponent.

·         “Shadow Bolt!” He swings his right hand forward and hurls a bolt of crimson-tinted shadow energy from his palm.

·         “Shadow Crisis!” He thrusts his right arm forward and fires a thick blast of twirling, crimson-tinted shadow energy from his palm.


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