Jet Task Force Aero Rangers

Dr. William “Billy” Cranston started the J-Force Project to create his first completely-independent Ranger team. He assigned the Jet Task Force Aero Rangers to the ISIS Defense Initiative. The Defense Initiative battled threats on a cosmic/demonic/inter-dimensional level. They defeated the inter-dimensional villains known as the Vyram (New Generation Year One). 


Amy: Aero Blue/Blue Swallow. Inter-dimensional villains called the Vyram attacked Billy’s Jet Force project, causing beams of stray energy to scatter into Angel Grove. One of the beams struck Amy, a high-school student, giving her the power to become a member of the Jet Task Force Aero Rangers. Jet Force defeated the Vyram after a year-long battle that started in 2008 (New Generation: Year One). 

Christopher Naxx: Aero Red/Red Hawk. Billy Cranston recruited Christopher for Jet Force straight after high school. The Jet Force project gave Christopher the power to become the leader of the Jet Task Force Aero Rangers. The Vyram attacked almost immediately afterward, and Christopher’s girlfriend Marie died in the assault (New generation: Year One).

Kristin Worthington:Aero White/White Swan. Inter-dimensional villains called the Vyram attacked Billy’s Jet Force project, causing beams of stray energy to scatter into Angel Grove. One of the beams struck Kristin, a millionaire’s daughter, giving her the power to become a member of the Jet Task Force Aero Rangers. Jet Force defeated the Vyram after a year-long battle that started in 2008 (New Generation: Year One). 

Matthew Long: Aero Yellow/Yellow Owl. Inter-dimensional villains called the Vyram attacked Billy’s Jet Force project, causing beams of stray energy to scatter into Angel Grove. One of the beams struck Matthew, a farm boy, giving him the power to become a member of the Jet Task Force Aero Rangers. Jet Force defeated the Vyram after a year-long battle that started in 2008 (New Generation: Year One). 

Vince Carter:Aero Black/Black Condor. Inter-dimensional villains called the Vyram attacked Billy’s Jet Force project, causing beams of stray energy to scatter into Angel Grove. One of the beams struck Vince, a jazz-playing gambler, giving him the power to become a member of the Jet Task Force Aero Rangers. Jet Force defeated the Vyram after a year-long battle that started in 2008 (New Generation: Year One). 


Aero Morpher: Empowered the Body of a person who had energy from the Morphing Grid grafted over their Life Force. The Rangers’ weapons and armor were stored as programs within the morpher. The Rangers morphed with the command: “Suit up!”

Aero Saber

Aero Rifle: A combination of a Jet Blaster and Aero Sword.

Jet Blaster

Wing Gauntlet


Jet-zords:Jet Hawk, Jet Condor, Jet Owl, Jet Swan, Jet Swallow.

Jet-Force Megazord: Jet Icarus. Formed with the command: “Jet-zords assemble!Aero fusion!”

Jet Garuda:Originally created to be the zord of a sixth Jet Force Ranger. INET never created the sixth Ranger. Instead, Jet Force used the zord as a secondary Megazord.

Jet-Garuda Megazord: Hyper Icarus. A combination of Jet Icarus and Jet Garuda.Formed with the command: “Jet-zords assemble!Garuda fusion!”


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