Hurricane Task Force Power Rangers

Tommy Oliver crafted the powers of the Hurricane Task Force Power Rangers. He mentored the team with the help of his fiancé, Ashley Hammond. Based at the Hayate Way dojo, the Power Rangers used the powers of Ninjetti to defeat the Jakanja (New Generation: Year One).




Blake Lee:Steven “Blake” Lee,Thunder Navy, 17-years-old.  Born in 1991. Blake lived with his father in Angel Grove Central after his parents separated, while his brother Hunter lived with their mother Lilly in Angel Grove East. Blake was trained in the Jinenkan style by former Power Ranger William “Billy” Cranston. Blake also studied the Jinenkan art at the Ikkazuchi Way. As a Ranger, Blake controls the Navy Beetlezord and is armed with the Stag Breaker. He has the power of lightning.

Hunter Lee:Elliott “Hunter” Lee, Thunder Crimson, 18-years-old. Born in 1990. Hunter lived with his mother in Angel Grove East, while his brother Blake lived with their father in Angel Grove Central. Hunter was trained in the Kukishin style by former Power Ranger Adam Park. Hunter also studied the Kukishin style at the Ikkazuchi Way. As a Ranger, Hunter controls the Crimson Insectazord and is armed with the Thunder Cannon. He has the power of shadow.

Justin Stewart:Hurricane Yellow, 17-years-old, from Angel Grove West. Born in 1991. Justin’s mother died during child birth, and his father left him at the Angel’s Haven Children’s Shelter while moving from military base to military base. Justin’s father quickly remarried a woman, who gave birth to Justin’s younger half-sister Erika. Erika’s mother and Justin’s father died in a car crash shortly after Erika was born. Justin was trained in the Koppouken style by former Power Ranger Rocky DeSantos before enrolling in the Hayate Way. As a Ranger, Justin controls the Hurricane Lion zord and is armed with the Lion Hammer. He has the power of earth.

Rachel Gray:Hurricane Blue, 17-years-old, from Angel Grove South. Born in 1991. Rachel was the second-oldest of four daughters in her family. Her dad was a former hippie turned Bible thumper, and her mother was an atheist. Rachel aspired to become a famous vocal artist. She was trained in the Shiranui style by former Power Ranger Kimberly Hart before enrolling at the Hayate Way. As a Ranger, Rachel controls the Hurricane Dolphin zord and is armed with the Sonic Fin. She has the power of water.

Simon Kaden:Hurricane Red, 17-years-old, from Angel Grove North. Born in 1991. Simon was 9-years-old when he was caught in the middle of Bandora’s first monster attack on Earth. He and his older sister Maya quickly became friends with the Power Rangers at the time. Simon was raised by a foster family who eventually adopted him. Simon was trained in the Hakkyokuseiken style by former Power Ranger Tommy Oliver before enrolling at the Hayate Way. In 2007, he became Gao Red to fight against the Org. He and all of Earth’s champions lost their powers at the end of a massive battle against the demon beast Mogralord. As a Ranger, Simon controls the Hurricane Hawk zord and is armed with the Hawk Blaster. He has the power of air. 


Gyro Morphers and Power Discs: Created by Tommy and Ashley.  Each person has a totemic Animal Spirit inside of them that connects all aspects of their being. A Power Disc ignites the Animal Spirit and allows it to channel energy from the One Power, which infuses the Body, Mind, Soul, and Life Force with power. Weapons and armor are stored as spells within the Power Discs. The Rangers morphed with the command: “Senpu…Ninjetti Change! Ha!”


Hawk Blaster: Weapon of Hurricane Red.


Horn Blaster and Stag Breaker: Weapons of Crimson Thunder and Navy Thunder.


Lion Hammer: Weapon of Hurricane Yellow.

Shurikenger Morpher: The morpher of the fallen Green Ranger, Shurikenger. The Green Ranger Power Disc ignited the Eagle Animal Spirit within Shurikenger.

Shurikenger Sword: The weapon of the fallen Green Ranger, Shurikenger.


Sonic Fin: Weapon of Hurricane Blue.


Storm Saber/Storm Blaster: Weapon of the three Wind Power Rangers.


Storm Striker: Combination weapon of the Hawk Blaster, Lion Hammer, and Sonic Fin.

Thunder Cannon: Combination of the Horn Blaster and Stag Breaker.


Thunderstorm Striker: Combination of the Storm Striker and Thunder Cannon.

Thunder Morphers/Power Discs:Each person has a totemic Animal Spirit inside of them that connects all aspects of their being. A Power Disc ignites the Animal Spirit and allows it to channel energy from the One Power, which infuses the Body, Mind, Soul, and Life Force with power. Weapons and armor are stored as spells within the Power Discs. The Thunder Rangers morphed with the command:“Gorai…Ninjetti Change! Ha!”

Thunder Staff: Weapon of each Thunder Ranger. They had two formations: Thunder Shield formation and Thunder Star formation.


Storm-zords: The Rangers’ second set of Storm-zords, replacing the original Storm-zords destroyed during the fight against Jakanja. Hurricane Hawk, Hurricane Lion, Hurricane Dolphin. Following is a description: “The zords appeared more lifelike than the Hurricane team’s previous zords. They were clearly organic beneath plates of armor. A mighty hawk swooped downward. Sleek plates of red armor covered the beast’s powerful muscles and white-feathered wings. A lion’s golden fur was covered with plates of blue and yellow armor. Its eyes were red, and the H-shaped symbol of the Hayate Way was etched across a small dome on its back-armor plating. A dolphin flew next to the lion. The dolphin’s slick body was covered with plates of blue armor.”

StormMegazord: ChoiSenpuujin. A combination of Hurricane Hawk, Hurricane Lion, and Hurricane Dolphin. They combined with the command:Storm-zords assemble! Whirlwind Fusion!”(Author’s note: The StormMegazord looked like a cross between the Storm Megazord in Lightning Mode and the Wing Gundam from Gundam Wing, pictured below).

Thunder-zords: The Rangers’ second set of Thunder-zords, replacing the original Thunder-zords destroyed during the fight against Jakanja. Navy Beetlezord and Crimson Insectazord. Following is a description: “A pair of multi-legged, giant insects followed the Storm-zords. The horned beetle and stag beetle were covered with sleek-black exoskeletons. The stag beetle’s armor was highlighted with lines of navy, and the horned beetle was highlighted with lines of crimson.”

ThunderMegazord: ChoiGouraijin. A combination of the Navy Beetlezord and Crimson Insectazord. They formed with the command: “Thunder-zords assemble! Thunder Fusion!”(Author’s note: The ThunderMegazord looked like a cross between the Thunder Megazord and the Gundam Deathscythe from Gundam Wing, pictured below).

Thunderstorm Megazord: A combination of the StormMegazord and ThunderMegazord. Following is a description: “The two Megazords fused. The kabuto horn formed a fist blade on the Megazord’s right hand, and the kuwaga claw formed a fist blade on the Megazord’s left hand. The head of the Yellow Ranger’s lion zord formed the chest, and the black armor plating of the ThunderMegazord slid around the arms and legs. A black, beetle-like shell formed on the back of the Megazord, covering the wings of the hawk zord. The new Megazord twisted, and then slammed back onto the ground in a crouched position while arming the pulse cannon attached to its horn fist weapon.”


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